👉🏻These are my projects when learing to code 💻

During the last few months I have spent time on learning how to build a web page using HTML and CSS. I have learned how to use Github and how to host the webpage on Netlify. Also I have learned to use VS code and build app using React.

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Featured Projects I am proud of 😍

The weather app

The weather app was my very first app made with React and the use of a weather API. It was a lot of work and I enjoyed it a lot. Be a part of a large group of women learning to code with SheCodes and Matt Delac has been great for me.

I was struggling a bit, but with help from the Slack group and good support from SheCodes I managed to get a working React app hosted and working on my own phone. I learned how to place each item in a grid so that the weather API provided a forecast for the next 5 days.

this app is made with React

Launch the Weather app
weather app created by Kristil Erla
React app created by Kristil Erla

Ask Yoda!

Ah, the meaning of life, wonder you do. Hmm, complex and simple it is, yes. In the Force, all life connects. Purpose, each being has. To live, to grow, to learn, to love, essential it is. Balance, seek you must. In harmony with others, exist you shall. Meaning, from compassion and wisdom, derive you will. Journey, life is. Destiny, embrace you must. Choices, make you do, shape your path they will. In the moment, live you must, for the present, all we truly have is. Guidance, from the Force, feel you can. Trust in it, believe you must. In unity, strength we find. Together, meaning we create. Remember, luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. To the stars, look, but here and now, present be. Fulfill your purpose, and in the Force, peace you shall find.

this app is made with React

Launch the HeyYoda! app

Dictionary app

Discover my easy and simple dictionary app, built with react and several apis to give you meaningful explanations of the words you seek.

You can see from both the weather app, the dictionary app and from this website that I have used a similar design. I have used the design made for the Jodacare and Jodabook apps :)

dictionary app created by Kristil Erla